Reforestation Efforts

From Flames to Forests

As wildfires become more frequent and intense due to climate change, post-wildfire restoration is increasingly crucial. It prevents soil erosion, restores habitats, and promotes biodiversity by replanting native species. Additionally, it improves water quality, supports local economies, and enhances resilience against future fires, benefiting both the environment and communities.

Carbon Sequestration

Biodiversity Conservation

Ecosystem Services

The Rising Need for Post-Wildfire Resotration

Post-wildfire restoration not only rebuilds habitats and biodiversity, it strengthens local economies and safeguards resources like clean water—benefits that ripple through communities and the environment alike.

Fire-resistant species reduce chance of high-severity fires by up to 50%.

Accelerates ecosystem recovery after wildfires by 55%.

Increases forest carbon sequestration capacity by 70% within 10 years.

Post Wildfire Restoration in Action

Sierra Nevada

United States of America

A multi-year restoration effort to restore native forest cover, improve water quality, and provide vital habitat for wildlife.

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Sawle Lake


Our first 'Smart Forest' in Cochrane, Alberta, offers real-time monitoring for sustainable reforestation.

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Restoring wildfire-affected areas by planting native species to rejuvenate the soil and revive the ecosystem.

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United States of America

Restoring wildfire-damaged forest to revive wildlife habitat for deer, elk, cougar, bear, trout, and spotted owl.

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Explore Other Restoration Types
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