The Nature Positive Initiative

3 min read

September 6, 2023

Today, a coalition of 27 prominent nature conservation organizations, business and finance coalitions, and institutes announced the launch of a new initiative known as the Nature Positive Initiative (NPI). This collaborative effort aims to foster alignment and clarity around the term 'nature positive' and to support long-term strategies that will help to deliver on the Global Goal for Nature.

Nature Positive Goal

The term 'nature positive by 2030' refers to the ambitious goal of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030, based on a 2020 baseline. Governments, businesses, and civil society have rallied behind this aspiration, recognizing its crucial role in combating climate change, preventing future pandemics, addressing food and water insecurity, supporting equitable development, and acknowledging Indigenous Peoples' rights and contributions.

The goal of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030 was formalized in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework's mission in December 2022. Its adoption under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity has been hailed as the 'Paris moment' for nature. Achieving this target means measurable improvements in species health, abundance, diversity, resilience, ecosystems, and natural processes. This means a world in which our economic activities not only minimize our impact on nature but enhance our ecosystems.

Implications for Businesses

It is estimated by the Future of Nature and Business report's that a nature positive economy can unlock $10 trillion of business opportunities through the transformation of our food, infrastructure, and energy economic systems.

However, the term 'nature positive' has been used inconsistently across various sectors, leading to confusion about its meaning and implications. The NPI aims to clarify this term to ensure companies and institutions can adopt strategies that deliver meaningful, measurable, and accountable actions as well as positive and sustainable outcomes for all.

For businesses, this means adopting common definitions, metrics, and standardized tools and practices that enable them to accurately measure and report their impact and contributions to nature.

Setting a Strategic Path Forward

The organizations and coalitions launching the NPI, which includes renowned entities like the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure, WWF International, The Nature Conservancy, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, will be responsible for setting the initiative's strategic direction, policy positions, and joint activities. They will also liaise with and coordinate a broader constituency of partner organizations to ensure all stakeholders' views are considered and to support efforts to deliver nature-positive outcomes across society.

In conclusion, the Nature Positive Initiative represents a significant step towards global alignment on the definition, integrity and use of the term ‘nature positive’. It will help to provide a clear framework and unified vision for contributing to biodiversity preservation and restoration, ultimately ensuring a more sustainable future for all.

For more information visit:

Written by:

Montana Brisbin

Reviewed by:

Derrick Emsley

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